Monday, September 9, 2013

Miley Cyrus - Illuminati Controlled Puppet Video Proof & Anti-Miley Shirts

The Real Deal - Illuminati and Miley Cyrus


The Illuminati controls Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus does music without knowing she's controlled. She is either unaware of it, but since there's solid proof that she's involved. We all believe she had a choice to control or be controlled. I don't blame Miley because she is still young, but after a while it just gets sick and disgusting. Watch the video below to see what is she telling your daughters!

Illuminati And Miley Cyrus

Secret Agenda Of The Illumanti

Miley Cyrus is no doubt affiliated with the Illuminati, and if it's just a fluke then watch the videos again. There are several other videos below that explain in depth about Illuminati and the media.

See this is what the Illuminati is good at, controlling the population. Creating conspiracies and confusing the population is a great way to control and dull the intelligence, freedom, and success of this country we call home. Us Americans are controlled by super powers who want nothing but to fulfill their hidden agenda.

Miley Cyrus is just part of their plan to promote the New World Order, which is a well kept secret to the general public. However, by doing extensive research from reliable researchers, you can get the full scope of the situation. We live under chains yet we don't realize it. Enough is enough!

Miley Hater shirts

I hate Miley Cyrus

7 Things I Hate About Miley
by SuperDevine
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Miley Cyrus bad trip

It's Miley & It's Still A Felony
by inkeduppinup
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Photos and text; 2011-2013 Catherine Taylor. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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